Rome, 16 Apr. (Adnkronos)- We therefore ask the government that the treatment of patients with Covid-19 with the use of this medical practice be implemented and made available in more public facilities. Claudio Pedrazzini, the first Member of the European Parliament to have a positive result at Covid-19 and to have recovered from the coronavirus thanks to ozone therapy.

A Uno Mattina, aired on Rai 1, illustrated his experience of home care. ” Currently there are several health facilities that resort to ozone therapy oxygen – continues -, from Milan to Brescia, from Vimercate to Parma, passing through Bergamo, Palermo, Naples, Teramo, Foggia, Lecco, Turin, Pavia, Rome. There are also some house services such as in Pisa, Avellino, Alessandria, Vicenza, Giulianova and Bergamo. In all these cases the protocols followed are of the Scientific Society of Ozone Therapy (SIOOT) and are demonstrating that, if practiced early on the positive patients, ozone therapy is able to counter the serious effects of the virus.

«For this reason – concluded Pedrazzini – we hope that this therapeutic path will also be pursued without hesitation».

Watch the video of the first Italian MP Pedrazzini aired on RAI 1.