Recent statistics show that the most important criterion to evaluate a hotel is the room cleaning and hygiene of the baths. Ozone is recommended for sanitizing hotels, B&B, hotel-touristic structures, beauty farms, residence hotels, touristic resorts, in general accommodating structures.

In particular, ozone is suitable for sanitizing rooms, common places, reception, restaurants, wellness & SPA areas and toilets. Air treatment with ozone  naturally allowes the decontamination of all germs and viruses, ensuring disinfection and smell elimination in hotel rooms, restaurants and common areas.



Thanks to the oxidation power, ozone kills bacteria by attacking its protective membranes. Ozone can also penetrate the internal structures of viruses, preventing their replication.


Ozone neutralizes the bad smells. It purifies the air removing the unpleasant smells of blood, urine and chemical detergents.


Ozone neutralizes bacteria and removes pathogenic agents which cause allergies and infections to immune system.


The use of ozone as a natural alternative to the chemical processes of traditional disinfection and sanitation


Air treatment with ozone is recommended to sanitizing rooms, common places, reception restaurant rooms, wellness & SPA areas and toilets. Ozone is suitable for sanitizing horizontal and vertical surfaces, walls, pieces of furniture, objects and fabric, such as couches, carpets, curtains, mattresses, pillows, bedspreads.

Ozonated water can be used for clean and disinfect the equipment, instruments, floors, bath fixtures, working tables, handles and fixtures. In particular, ozonated water is recommended to wash accurately all the surfaces and the most delicate objects.

The air sanitizing with ozone carried out for all rooms at each new client removes the smell and the microbial charge of people who stayed previously and recreates a deeply deodorized and decontaminated environment, ready to host a new guest.

Sanitizing with ozone the accomodating structures represents a respect and care action towards your clients and the housekeeping staff, ozone protects their health and safeguards your hotel from possible complaints and unpleasant misunderstandings.


Several Law reports have established that the foul-smelling emissions from public exercises, restaurants can be punished. it is important to guarantee the maximum hygiene of the served foods and of the establishment, in order to prevent the possible infection and food poisoning occasions.

Air treatment with ozone naturally allowes the decontamination of all germs and viruses, ensuring disinfection and smell elimination in common areas. The sanitizing with ozone is the ideal solution, combining the high microbiological safety of the environments with the healthiness of the served foods and the cost avoidance. The water treatment with ozone sanitizes the entire water network and kills viruses and bacteria, avoiding health risks. It contributes to the observance of the rules about food products hygiene and safety. It removes the smells of cooking. It prevents the bacterial contamination of food, both during the conservation than the production, protecting the image of the restaurant.


Ozone is also recommended for cafés, coffee bars, bakeries, and all the public food activities in general.

Cafés, coffee bars and bakeries are highly frequented places and therefore it is important to be particularly rigorous in guarantee the maximum level of hygiene of the establishment to not contaminate food or beverages and to ensure the cleanliness, in order to prevent infections or food poisoning.

Ozone is the ideal solution, because it ensures health and decontaminated foods, at lower costs than the traditional chemical detergents. Air and water treatment with ozone  protects the health of clients and staff and safeguards the owner from possible damage of image. Ozone  removes the smells, it oxygenates the air of the bar, it reduces the risk of food infections.