This is Sergio Maccarinelli, born in Treviglio in 1957, who for many years worked abroad as a business operator. Maccarinelli has collaborated, among other things, also in the management of humanitarian aid in Eastern Europe. Back on a permanent basis in Italy, he was shocked by the violence of the pandemic that is still infierendo especially in Bergamo. We interviewed him and he told us an incredible story.

In mid-March the Covid-19 appeared in the family of Sergio. His brother Cesare, born in 1961, was positive to the virus.Sergio began to assist him at home, with the drugs prescribed by the general practitioner. On March 19, Caesar had difficulty breathing and oxygen saturation values were dropping rapidly. On March 20, 118 was called to be admitted. In the area there were no beds available, so Cesare was transported to a hospital in the province of Lecco. Caesar’s condition was getting worse every day. He was first applied the oxygen mask, then the Helmet Cpap connected to a respirator, and finally it was necessary to admit him in intensive care unit, where he was sedated and intubated. Sergio Maccarinelli, to treat his brother, tried everything, found and made available all the experimental drugs available: Tocilizumab, Anakirna, as well as antimalarials and retrovirals in the treatment protocols. On 29 and 30 March, Caesar’s situation was rapidly precipitating towards an unsuccessful outcome.

At that point Sergio remembered that, in 2016, he had practiced ozone oxygen therapy to combat an osteomyelitis contracted during an orthopedic surgery to reduce a fracture of the tibial plate. At that time he had heard several positive opinions about the use of ozone oxygen for the treatment of various diseases, including pneumonia. He decided to immediately contact Prof. Marianno Franzini, president of SIOOT International.

Franzini explained that the SIOOT had formulated a medical protocol specifically aimed at patients with the virus Covid-19. Sergio decided, therefore, to propose the use of ozone oxygen in the hospital where his brother was in hospital, but the doctors had neither the equipment nor the necessary knowledge. Since a patient in the ICU cannot be easily transported elsewhere, Sergio continued to press for permission to use ozone therapy. But the times of approval were getting longer, while Caesar was getting worse and worse approaching the point of no return. So, in concert with Prof. Franzini, Sergio rented a machine to produce ozone, bought the bags needed to practice the great autohaematoinfusion (in accordance with the SIOOT protocol) and offered them free of charge to the hospital where Cesare was hospitalized. The doctor of the hospital, «in front of a dying intubated patient» (these are his words), accepted by way of a compassionate treatment, i.e. to subject Caesar to the daily autoemoinfusions enriched with ozone.

Applying the protocol indicated by SIOOT, the patient’s condition gradually began to improve from the first day of ozone therapy. To the great astonishment of the physician whom I treated. So much so that on April 17, after only 9 days of ozone therapy, Caesar was no longer in danger of life and could be awakened and extubated.

As confirmed by Prof. Franzini, on the basis of the experience gained with other nosocomians, it can be assumed that, if you had intervened at the first symptoms, probably the patient would not have needed to be intubated. A highly traumatic experience would have been avoided for the patient and there would have been a great saving for the health facility in terms of costs and resources.

Sergio’s hope is that «from this story a spark of hope can be born and, above all, that it can be done soon, because every day many sick people suffer or even lose their lives». If oxygen ozone was useful to save, or to facilitate the course, even of a single mother or a single father, we would have achieved an important result.

Interview by Antonio Gaspari

SIOOT (Scientific Society for Oxygen-Ozone therapy)